Medication Management

Medications can be an effective and needed component of a treatment plan, particularly when used in conjunction with psychotherapy. There are a number of safe, FDA-approved medications that are effective for a variety of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, and insomnia. Under the care of professionals who understand the risks and benefits of medication, these may be used to relieve acute symptoms in a time of crisis or manage long-term quality of mental health.

Research has shown that both psychiatric medications and therapy are valid treatments, and in more severe cases the combination of medications and therapy is more effective than either treatment alone. Doctors work with clients to achieve relief of troubling symptoms quickly, and then discuss a long term treatment plan that may or may not include medications managed carefully through a mental health professional. Doctors work with clients using a comprehensive treatment plan to find the mix of resources and tools which will be beneficial, including medication management based on client feedback.